Covid-19 weekly updates in Vietnam - Week 2 August, 2021

By Sunday 15th August, the total number of patients positive for Coronavirus in Vietnam remained rather high.

statistics of the pandemic in Vietnam - Week 2 August 2021
While the circumstance may get worse at any time, the cities and provinces in Vietnam have decided not to loosen the restrictions of social isolation. For example, Ho Chi Minh City will proceed with the distancing for another 1-month period. Other provinces only add up to 15 supplementary days until they recognise any improved sign of the pandemic in local areas.

The authorities and the Ministry of Health have given more advice for both patients receiving treatment as well as citizens staying indoors. First off, for the F0 patients, who specifically suffer from difficulties of breathing, are advised to practice 6 alternative lying positions:
- Position 1: Lie on your stomach on a flat surface from 30 minutes to 2 hours. Place three pillows as  demonstrated in the picture;
- Position 2: Switch to the right side lying position with no pillow help for the next 30 minutes;
- Position 3: Switch to the sit up - lying position, where you back and the surface create a 60 degree angle. Place a pillow under your head. Remain the position for 30 minutes;
- Position 4: Switch to left side lying position for the next 30 minutes;
- Position 5: Switch to lying on your stomach with 1 leg raised, the face turns to the side of the raised leg. Place your arm and three pillows as demonstrated in the picture;
- Position 6: Switch back to the first position. Remain in form for 30 - 120 minutes.
beneficial lying position for F0 patients
6 beneficial lying positions for F0 cases - Source: Bộ Y Tế

Secondly, for people staying at home, they are advised to follow the nutrition formula 4-5-1 that can enhance their health and antibiotic system.
Nutritional formula for citizens in time of pandemic

As reported, Vietnam has managed to give vaccination to over 12 million citizens. Scientists and doctors are proceeding with the second face of the test for the Vietnamese vaccine - Covivax. It is said that the test will be performed on 300 volunteers, however, considering the present status of Vietnam, the number of testers can increase. If everything goes as planned, Vietnam will be capable of producing its own vaccine doses by September.

At the same time, pregnant women, the group advised not to take vaccination until they give birth, specifically 140 pregnant women of more than 13 weeks, have received their very first injection. The process of examination for suitable health conditions was still practiced in order to keep the mother and the unborn infant from any undesirable effects.
Pregnant woman prepares to get vaccinated
Pregnant woman preparing to get her first vaccination - Source: HCDC

Recently, there has been news on the debate of Should or shouldn’t we take two different types of vaccine? On the globe, there are also nations using both Astrazeneca and Pfizer. They reported that some citizens with two injections of both vaccines had experienced more common side effects, which might cause serious problems in case of inappropriate treatment and surveillance. Therefore, it is still recommended that we should take vaccination from the same type. Vietnam only advised the vaccination zone to use Pfizer if there is not enough vaccine to use. The case can only be applied for those who had priorly received Astrazeneca injection.

As for the capital of Hanoi, the status has not yet shown any improvements. In fact, the city has set up more and more checkpoints for green zones. The authorities are worried that the pandemic might move forward to a new outburst if they don’t initiate stricter restrictions. Each day, the responsible forces still detect new cases of cross infection in public. Therefore, they are to act quickly, or else another outbreak will fall on Hanoians.

Realising the case, the local authorities also passed the directive to initiate Covid-19 test for residences at a big scale, applied for 30 different districts. With the aim to easily and quickly identify all F0 patients in public, the campaign was held for 7 days (10 - 17/08/2021).
Wide range covid test for Hanoians
Wide range covid-19 test in Hanoi - Source: Collective

Moving south to Ho Chi Minh City, it is still suffering from a great deal of new patients each day. The number stays stable at the threshold of around 4.000 and has not shown any gradual decrease. So as to reduce this alarming number, the vaccination campaign is still being held at a fast pace. In fact, the campaign has led to a better result of nearly 100% of HCMC habitants getting vaccinated, while only 70% were expected to receive injection. By far, District 11 was the first to have all their local residences take the first shot of vaccine.

Meanwhile, to enhance the forces of prevention of Coronavirus, more troops of doctors and medical staff from the north continue to come to HCMC for any necessary assistance. Furthermore, as the new cases may cause overload situations in quarantines, field hospitals and local hospitals, there are directives asking people to take treatment and quarantine at their own accommodation. The medical staff and responsible forces will of course keep an eye out for any urgent cases, as well as the safety of the neighborhood.
Quarantine at home for patients
Quarantine at home for F patient under medical staff surveillance - Source: Collective

Stay in touch with Trusted DMC for more weekly updates on Vietnam’s pandemic and tourism situation

* Source: VnExpress, HCDC, Bộ Y Tế, Báo Lao động, Báo Quân đội nhân dân, Báo Tuổi trẻ, Báo Tiền phong, Báo Sài Gòn, Báo Chính phủ, Vietnamnet.

Published on 16th August, 2021
Written and designed by Khanh Le, Assistant Manager for Trusted DMC

Previous weeks updates
- Week 1, August 2021
- Week 5, July 2021


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