Southern Myanmar overview


Ngwe-Saung-Beach, pearl of Southerne Myanmar - Photo : Internet

The focal point of this part of Myanmar is undoubtedly Yangon (the ancient capital, formerly called Rangoon). It is at the same time the largest city, the most historical and also one of the most known cities of the country. With its large international airport, the country is well connected to the rest of the world and you can get to Yangon from almost all the national airports in the country.
Not to be missed in Yangon, the emblem of an all country: the incredible Shwedagon Pagoda, Myanmar’s most sacred Buddhist site. The sanctuary covers six hectares surmounted by a stupa of one hundred meters, entirely covered with gold leaves.
Do not miss to stroll through the street markets, present in each suburb. As the day draws to a close, head to the romantic Kandawgyi Lake: at sunset, the reflection of Swedagon Pagoda becomes magical on its peaceful waters.
And for a trip back in time, lose yourself in the old colonial district, with stunning and sumptuous buildings, with a charm somewhat similar to that of Havana.
Bago will probably be your first stop to discover the South of Burma. Known for its many Buddhist monuments including the Shwemawdaw Pagoda, it is also home to one of the largest reclining Buddha in the country, the Shwe Tha. A little further south, the Golden Rock is a very important sanctuary for all Burmese Buddhists, before arriving at the idyllic beaches of Myanmar: Ngapali, Ngwe Saung or Chaungtha are all lazy and cultural stops to finish your discovery of Myanmar, the Golden Land.

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